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With Friends and Family Cell phone amplifiers are high on the list of priority accessories... if you want to make reliable remote calls. Do you have problems with dropped calls? Do you find that even with digital connections, your conversations just aren't all that clear... or reliable? Do you find coverage uneven and erratic? If you are using a data card for your computer, are you finding throughput slow? If so, you may find that you really have a need for a cell phone reception booster to help boost in signal for your cell phone. ![]()
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Say what you want, but the sucker worked. It would put out a full 3 Watts of power and reception/transmission was not a problem. We simply did not need any extra boost from a cell phone signal amplifier. But, times have changed and it's been close to 20 years since we've had that phone, and I’ve had several phones since then. However, it seems that the newer and smaller they are, the less value they seem to have from a signal standpoint. I’ll admit that phones have greatly improved their options. I can take pictures and send e-mail, but the quality of reception and battery life seem to be the pits... and I had better not drop the thing! ![]()
This brings up an interesting point. Why are the newer wireless units apparently being manufactured and sold with a smaller signal footprint? To help us understand why this is, and why you may need a cell phone amplifier, you need to look at the cell phone manual that came with the unit. Towards the back under Health and Safety Information, you will find a paragraph that will read something like: “The exposure limit set by the FCC for wireless mobile phones employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). The SAR is a measure of the rate of absorption of RF energy by the human body expressed in units of Watts per kilogram (W/kg). The FCC requires these wireless units to comply with a safety limit of 1.6 Watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg). The FCC exposure limit incorporates a substantial margin of safety to give additional protection to the public and to account for any variations in measurements.” What they appear to be doing here is limiting the amount of transmission power that is absorbed by the human body (the head) by making smaller and lighter telephones. This is a good idea, except that they are losing transmission/ reception quality. I understand that this is a safety issue and in a general sense, you want as little of this RF transmission absorbed by your body as possible. There are a lot of websites that discuss this issue in more detail. This page does not include these details. According to cnet.com "This whole subject of cell phone exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy that is absorbed by the body has not been shown to be conclusive, nor have they demonstrated any evidence that it may cause adverse health affects in humans. Conversely, there is not conclusive or demonstrated evidence that they don't cause adverse health affects in humans. Therefore, in short, the jury is still out, research is ongoing." What I’m attempting to do is to show that these newer units are not as powerful as the older models and therefore, will not receive or transmit as efficiently as the old 3-Watt Motorola brick. It seems that the way to get around this dilemma, for those who want better coverage, is to boost their cell phone signal. ![]() Beyond the fact that cell phone amplifiers do enhance transmission and reception, these amplifiers will also give you the benefit of longer battery life.
But, you say "what has this got to do with the Cell Phone Amplifier?" Well, the cell phone has to reach out x-amount of miles to get tower contact. When you put a cell phone amplifier in the equation, your unit only has to reach out just a couple of feet. This would require less power, and that equals more battery life. As a bonus, you would seem to have less SARs, if that is a concern. In addition, the amplifier is free to crank out 3-Watts of RF, giving you better quality connectivity. To me, that sounds like a good idea! ![]()
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